Российская фигуристка Анастасия Шаботова, с 2019 по 2022 год выступавшая за сборную Украины, в интервью «СЭ» уточнила обстоятельства разрыва своего контракта с украинской национальной федерацией накануне чемпионата мира в марте 2022 года.
Russian figure skater Anastasiya Shabotova was dismissed from the Ukrainian national team in 2022.
Shabotova attributes her dismissal to a social media "like" she gave to a post by Russian figure skating coach Eteri Tutberidze. Despite this, Shabotova maintains that she was willing to train outside of Russia to continue representing Ukraine.
Essentially, the article discusses Shabotova's perception of her abrupt dismissal from the Ukrainian team, highlighting the purported trigger (a social media "like") and her willingness to cooperate with the federation's requirements.